Thursday, September 8, 2011

What to Blog About... HmMm

So basically what I said in my first post has come true, I'm a horrible blogger and have no creative writing skills! So not much has happened. I've just been chugging along with school. As it goes it's getting a little better. The First week was horrible! Let me tell ya, Horrible!! I missed one of my first classes, on the second day, which just got me all upset! And we all know that once something goes wrong, the rest of the day is usually just down hill from there. But on a brighter note, It is getting better!

This past weekend was memorial day, not much happened except for we picked up the sport of CROQUET! Let me tell ya that it is quite fun :) I really enjoyed it and Jordan and My dad are pretty good. So I better get some practice in because this weekend we are going to hopefully have a tournament :) Such fun right?!?

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